
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Book Review: The Clone Codes

The Clone Codes is a really short read set far into the future. A future where there are clones treated as slaves and history that repeats itself.

Clones are basically copies of human beings, but they are given less rights and are only considered 60% human. These beings aren't allowed to have proper names and must be referred by a mixture of letter and numbers. Clones aren't permitted to vote or even learn anything outside their respective work duties.

Leanna is a teenage girl who enjoys being one of the first teens to 'attend' a virtual school. To attend her classes, all she must do is put on a special device.

Once she is logged in, she is able to learn in an interactive setting without gigantic textbooks to lug or boring lessons to listen to. All this from the comfort of her own home. The best thing she likes about this virtual school are the history lessons. Instead of a dull textbook reading or listening to a teacher drone, she is able to actually experience the events virtually, with all the emotion and feeling included.

One day, Leanna's mother is arrested and accused of being a traitor, and the thirteen-year-old is forced to escape in hopes of not being caught as well. Almost immediately, she learns of things she never knew about her mother and the Liberty Bell Movement.

Her opinion changes from clones being nobody to clones as humans worth fighting for. Leanna learns many things, but the very thing she learns about her own identity triumphs all.

I thought this book had a very interesting and unique plot, but I feel the idea wasn't executed very well. For one, it's short, making it easy to plow through but, it also made the novel feel lacking. Really, what made me most interested in the book was it's dynamite cover!

The book was really fast-paced, sometimes too fast-paced, and sometimes I had to force myself to keep reading. To tell the truth, it wasn't all that good and it felt a little amateurish. Concept was really creative though!

three stars

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