Lina is a wishful twelve-year-old girl who dreams of a colorful, flamboyant place far beyond her underground home. Doon is a serious twelve-year-old boy who wishes to change the world for the better. What do they have in common? The means to make both dreams come true if they work together.
On the last day of school, Lina and the rest of her classmates are assigned a job that will be theirs for as long as they live in City of Ember, an underground city. Lina wishes to be assigned the job as a messenger, being the quick paced, light-on-her-feet person she is.
Unfortunately, she receives the most unwanted job: Pipeworks Laborer. Doon, who wants to make a difference in the City of Ember, wanted to work in the Pipeworks the most, but he happened to get the job as messenger. He quickly finds that the job as a messenger has little promise to fulfill his goals.
Doon and Lina end up trading jobs and they part ways, both feeling as if they got the better end of the deal.
Circumstances such as the city's supplies running low, and even worse, the generator's life coming to an end brings Doon and Lina together. They both realize what they must do. Lina and Doon must find another place to live for the City of Ember's inhabitants before they are forced to live underground in constant darkness.
This book was an awesome read, the first book in my second favorite series! I loved the characters and the language and description the author used. What I adored the most about this book is the originality. No doubt, I have never read a tale even close to this one's plot. Just the thought of living underground perks my interest!
The only thing I slightly disliked was the fact that sometimes the voice of the book felt as if it were talking to someone younger. But this made the book so much easier to understand and retain than books with more difficult language.
I give this book an obvious 5 stars!