One day, Rusty decides to leave his backyard to venture into the dark woods behind it. Far beyond the safety of 'Twoleg' territory, he tries to snare a plump mouse in what happens to be ThunderClan territory. One of four clans that don't appreciate other cats hunting on their home.
The bright orange Tom finds itself in a brawl with a gray ThunderClan warrior-in-training, who later becomes his best friend. Graypaw and Rusty are then confronted by Bluestar, the clan leader of ThunderClan.
Bluestar applauds Graypaw on his efforts and offers Rusty the chance to give up his 'soft' life in exchange for the harsh but free life as a warrior.
Despite loud protests of Rusty being a 'kittypet' and not a warrior by blood from the clan, the Tom is welcomed into the clan and is bestowed a new name: Firepaw.
Read the book to find out whether or not Firepaw can survive warrior life if the wrath of the clan doesn't get to him first.
This is one of the few books that I can honestly say have no faults. I enjoyed the juiciness and the freshness of the plot, not to mention that there are five more books to this series.
For five more books, five more stars!